FEP Products Project
Products designed
For Every Person
The Project
The spirit of the project is to review products deemed valid as such and useful for improving the lives of many Disabled people, as well as to suggest to You, the manufacturing companies, any improvements aimed at raising the level “affinity” – accessibility and usability – with the D-World ie the D-User which is represented by all Disabled customers.
The purpose
The aim is to suggest improvements that could make the reviewed product or service even more accessible and usable by not only to many Disabled people. People can be born Disabled, but they can also become so, even only for reasons of seniority and being able to have products designed with greater sensitivity to cover more targeted needs would greatly facilitate the daily life of the user, thus aiming for a greater and prolonged Independent Living.
Genesis of the project
I am no longer in business, Disabili DOC from ex Magazine has today become one of my Blogs that survives thanks to my passion and the skills gained both from the business sector and from my own disability often a master of the “art of conceiving missing solutions” for the need to be an active and productive person anyway.
In 1984, when Kensington had not yet invented the trackball, to manage Apple’s Lisa II I thought of a button pedal that, connected in parallel to the computer mouse, allowed me to control it with my left foot while my collaborator continued to use Lisa’s mouse.
That button pedal was the first product FEP I made: designed for a Disabled person, but usable by everyone!
A FEP product is therefore not a product for the Disabled, it is rather a product that marries a culture that converges in the greatest possible way – where feasible – so that the object is as much as possible For Every Person.
Why did I contacted you
You have been contacted because I have already considered one or more products, or services, of your brand as valid to be now advisable to readers of Disabili DOC and to those who follows me through the various communication channels as Blogger and Author of the book “Riprogettiamo il D-Mondo – Tuteliamo il futuro dei Disabili e di chi potrebbe diventarlo” (which in English means: “Redesigning the D-World – We protect the future of the Disabled and of who could become one”).
Disabili DOC, so I and some of my participants in the mission, we hope to be able to involve you in a project that could suggest valid implementations which can be implemented at the first revision of the examined object or service.
Costs and benefits
The costs of the study of the product and its review are those of the value of the product itself which will not be returned after work is completed.
The benefits lie in the detailed analysis of the Product/Service, in the suggestions for improvements to be made, if necessary, and in the disclosure of the review through Disabili DOC which enjoys not only its own readers, but also its presence on Google News.
Each review will also be present on:
- LinkedIn – Page and my Personal Profile which has more than 16,300 connections;
- Facebook – Pages and my Personal Profile;
- Twitter – Profile and my Personal Profile;
- And more

Will you participate in a FEP future?
I hope I have convinced you, if you still have any doubts read the article «Friendly Technology / Apple, the words that are missing from Siri’s vocabulary. Even more so with AirPods 2!» and you will understand how even Apple, historically known for its attention to the D-World, would need a good D-Consulting activity so that, for example, a Disabled person can also answer the phone through Siri; useful activity if you use a phone, isn’t it?!
Personally, I owe my gratitude and independence to Apple and Steve Jobs!
So: better products for a better future, more accessible and usable for everyone. In other words, products For Every Person.
Thank you all for your attention, a warm greeting
Carlo Filippo Follis